
#TruthBooking: How are you feeling today? Some of you are busy cooking joyfully. Some of you are busy cooking resentfully. Some of you feel the safest you have in a while, tucked into the nest of home with your people. Some of you are in heightened fight or flight, waiting for the inevitable attack. Some of you are alone and blissfully content. Some of you are alone and covered up in heavy feelings. Some of you are celebrating new seasons, welcoming the first holiday as a wife, a grandma, a boyfriend, a graduate, a mom. Some of you are dreading today as you grieve the empty chair and the traditions that will never be the same without them. Some of you are none of these things and everywhere in between.

It’s okay. To have your feelings, to be where you are, to not be okay, or even to be joyful and sad all at once. Sometimes when I feel lost it helps me to check in with the present moment. To look around and notice that though I’m triggered, I am safe. Though I’m anxious, I’m breathing, and in this very moment my life is actually not on the line so I can rest a minute until the next wave of fear comes. I’ve found that when I stay curious I am gifted with new eyes for every season and every situation. No one gets to diminish your pain, even you, and you don’t have to be grateful today if you can’t find that space.

This morning I woke after little sleep in kind of a funk. I was mired down in stress and not quite ready to face the day ahead and all its traditions, interactions, expectations, and potential pitfalls. This video was the very first thing in my newsfeed, and I’m glad my friend Bob took time to share it. The beauty here was just the pair of perspectacles I needed today. Maybe it will meet you where you are, too.

You are loved, my friends. I am so grateful I share life with each of you. Your life has tremendous value and despite how today may feel, you would be deeply missed if you were gone.