In the past few days, the world lost two beautiful people I knew due to suicide. Neither of them were very close friends, but my memories of each were from a vibrant, seemingly joyful part of their lives. Heartbreakingly, they both left precious children behind. With the news of each death, I sat staring at my screen wondering what I could have done, if I could have reached out and made a difference. I cried for the babies and their innocence lost. I cried for the loss of those two lights from the world. And I wished they would have asked for help.
I am not writing this from my high horse, but from the trenches of my own lifelong battle with depression. If you are struggling and want to die, if you have a plan in mind, if you think the world would be better off without you in it... please, PLEASE tell someone what you're feeling and thinking. Please get help. YOU ARE WORTH HELP. Life is so hard. I get it. It's downright brutal and unfair and there are seasons where it just keeps kicking you when you're down, but together we can do hard things. Please, please don't let another day go by without reaching out.
If you don't feel comfortable telling a friend or loved one, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. Someone will answer 24/7.
No matter what you are feeling right now, I know these things to be true about you. Yes, even you:
You are loved. You are lovable. There is hope for you. There is someone who wants to help you. You deserve good things. You are worth the time. You will be missed, greatly. You are someone's everything. Please stay.